In this game, you form words by rearranging letters from a word that's given to you. All words you make must be at least 3 letters long. Why at least 3 letters? It might make you think a little more. In addition, punctuation is not allowed. You won't even be able to type punctuation, numbers, spaces, etc. anyway. Only letters are allowed and will be able to be typed.
There are two ways to make words. The first, is simply by typing in the textfield provided. The second, is by tapping on the letters. As you tap each letter, that letter will appear in the textfield. Both methods are always an option and can be switched between at any time. Whichever method you use, hit the submit button when you're ready to submit your word.
As you make words, you'll also get points for each letter in those words. The points from each word you make will be added to your points total. If you want to know how many points each letter is worth, think of Scrabble. Each letter in this game has the same value as in Scrabble. In this game though, you won't get double letter, double word, triple letter, triple word, etc. point multipliers.
There are two levels in this game, easy and normal. In easy (level 1) you can use each letter as many times as you want. In normal (level 2), you can only use each letter, at most, as many times as it appears in the word. Normal makes things more challenging, but also might make things more fun! You can generate a new word at anytime, but be warned, by generating a new word, your progress will be lost, your total words found and total points. If you want to change your level, you'll be able to at the end of each game.
NOTE: To verify that entered words are real words, I use a source on another computer somewhere in the world. Due to what I'm guessing is a issue on that end, there are some words, including common ones, that this game will count as not being real words. If this happens to you, no need to retry the word, unless your double checking your spelling, I know about the issue, just enjoy the game!